Sunday, November 02, 2008
You’ve heard of Joe the Plumber. Now there’s Tito the Builder!
Pro-Life and Pro-War?
Obama's Abortion Extremism
Member of the President's Council on Bioethics
Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University
read article
listen to article being passionately read
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Charles Krauthammer: The case for McCain
Labels: mccain, obama, politics, presidential election
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
Labels: economics, obama, politics, presidential election
Friday, October 24, 2008
Obama to Joe the Plumber: "spread the wealth around"
Labels: economics, obama, presidential election
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Do we really know the real Barack Obama?
As the following content reveals, the answer is clearly no:
Obama And His Radical Friends (This is scary!)
Obama’s mysterious college years
Obama’s years as a “Community Organizer”
Obama’s relationship with William Ayers
Obama’s relationships with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger
Obama’s relationship with Rashid Khalidi
Obama’s work with ACORN
Labels: media bias, obama, politics, presidential election
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Voters Guides Available Here
Congressional Voters Guide Download PDF (.pdf): Free
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
An Embedded Journalist Speaks
Monday, April 02, 2007
The Truth About Muhammad
Friday, January 05, 2007
Study Finds Conservatives More Generous Than Liberals
Click here to hear an interview with the professor regarding this study on the December 28th broadcast of the Dennis Prager show.
To read about my friends’ experience in New Orleans, go to their blog at:
Friday, December 15, 2006
Two Mommies Is One Too Many
-- Time Magazine
Posted Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006
A number of social conservatives, myself included, have recently been asked to respond to the news that Mary Cheney, the Vice President's daughter, is pregnant with a child she intends to raise with her lesbian partner. Implicit in this issue is an effort to get us to criticize the Bush Administration or the Cheney family. But the concern here has nothing to do with politics. It is about what kind of family environment is best for the health and development of children, and, by extension, the nation at large.
With all due respect to Cheney and her partner, Heather Poe, the majority of more than 30 years of social-science evidence indicates that children do best on every measure of well-being when raised by their married mother and father. That is not to say Cheney and Poe will not love their child. But love alone is not enough to guarantee healthy growth and development. The two most loving women in the world cannot provide a daddy for a little boy--any more than the two most loving men can be complete role models for a little girl.
The voices that argue otherwise tell us more about our politically correct culture than they do about what children really need. The fact remains that gender matters--perhaps nowhere more than in regard to child rearing. The unique value of fathers has been explained by Dr. Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School in his book Fatherneed: Why Father Care Is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child. Pruett says dads are critically important simply because "fathers do not mother." Psychology Today explained in 1996 that "fatherhood turns out to be a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth of children." A father, as a male parent, makes unique contributions to the task of parenting that a mother cannot emulate, and vice versa.
According to educational psychologist Carol Gilligan, mothers tend to stress sympathy, grace and care to their children, while fathers accent justice, fairness and duty. Moms give a child a sense of hopefulness; dads provide a sense of right and wrong and its consequences. Other researchers have determined that boys are not born with an understanding of "maleness." They have to learn it, ideally from their fathers.
But set aside the scientific findings for a minute. Isn't there something in our hearts that tells us, intuitively, that children need a mother and a father? Admittedly, that ideal is not always possible. Divorce, death, abandonment and unwed pregnancy have resulted in an ever growing number of single-parent families in this culture. We admire the millions of men and women who have risen to the challenge of parenting alone and are meeting their difficult responsibilities with courage and determination. Still, most of them, if asked, would say that raising children is a two-person job best accomplished by a mother and father.
In raising these issues, Focus on the Family does not desire to harm or insult women such as Cheney and Poe. Rather, our conviction is that birth and adoption are the purview of married heterosexual couples. Traditional marriage is God's design for the family and is rooted in biblical truth. When that divine plan is implemented, children have the best opportunity to thrive. That's why public policy as it relates to families must be based not solely on the desires of adults but rather on the needs of children and what is best for society at large.
This is a lesson we should have learned from no-fault divorce. Because adults wanted to dissolve difficult marriages with fewer strings attached, reformers made it easier in the late 1960s to dissolve nuclear families. Though there are exceptions, the legacy of no-fault divorce is countless shattered lives within three generations, adversely affecting children's behavior, academic performance and mental and physical health. No-fault divorce reflected our selfish determination to do what was convenient for adults, and it has been, on balance, a disaster.
We should not enter into yet another untested and far-reaching social experiment, this one driven by the desires of same-sex couples to bear and raise children. The traditional family, supported by more than 5,000 years of human experience, is still the foundation on which the well-being of future generations depends. Dobson is the founder and chairman of Focus on the Family.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
What's the quintessential leftist cause? It's the one you see on a gazillion bumper stickers: Free Tibet. Every college in the US has a Free Tibet society: There's the Indiana University Students for a Free Tibet, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Students for a Free Tibet, and the Students for a Free Tibet University of Michigan Chapter. Everyone's for a free Tibet, but no one's for freeing Tibet.
The Belmont Club concludes the article by saying, “No one is willing to do what is necessary, not when they realize what it would take.”
Monday, May 08, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Are Facts Obsolete?
“We learn from the media's filtered facts that there are countries with stronger gun-control laws than ours which have lower murder rates. We seldom, if ever, learn from the media about countries which have stronger gun-control laws than ours and whose murder rates are two or three times higher than ours.”
He concludes his piece by stating:
“Apparently scholars, as well as journalists, have made up their minds and don't want to be confused by the facts.”
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The Intolerance of Today’s Tolerance Movement
Basic to its understanding, one must first look at how tolerance is applied. As outlined by Greg Koukl of Stand To Reason, there are three possible applications of tolerance: always towards a person; and always towards either a behavior, or an idea. True tolerance – as classical defined – must be done with civility, respecting the person in the process, and must offer the freedom to express one’s ideas without fear of reprisal, yet without necessarily putting up with every type of behavior.
Some behaviors violate the sanctity of the common good. That is why we have laws on the books. For instance, one does not have the right to dump anything they want in our common rivers. As Lincoln said, “There is no right to do wrong.” A major implication of the proliferation of today’s definition of tolerance is that many deleterious behaviors have been overlooked. The list is long: from speeding to felonies. Un-enforced laws lead to a greater violation of those laws by those tempted to break them. The lawbreaker could reason, “If I’m not being punished for the behavior, then it must not really be a bad thing.”
The irrationality and absurdity of today’s definition of tolerance has also led to a modern myth that true tolerance consists of neutrality. But nothing could be further from the truth. As Koukl points out, the essential element of tolerance is disagreement. Tolerance is defined by Webster as “to allow or permit, to recognize and respect other’s beliefs and practices without sharing them, to bear or put up with someone or something not necessarily liked.” Think about it for a second. Isn’t it true that one cannot tolerate something unless one disagrees with that thing? One cannot put up with something unless they disagree with that idea or behavior – in other words, they think that idea or behavior is wrong.
Yet if you accuse someone – either implicitly or explicitly – of saying that another person is wrong, the person will most likely say, “oh, no! I don’t think they’re wrong.” They say this because the forces of political correctness have intimidated them. Many folks in our culture have sadly been duped into believing that if they are thought of as thinking someone is wrong, then they will be viewed as intolerant. And they would never want to be labeled intolerant, because afterall – and here’s the irony – that would be wrong.
Isn’t this politically correct thinking just ridiculous? If one doesn’t think another is wrong, then wouldn’t he or she think this other person is right? And if he or she thinks this other is right, then what could they possibly be in need of tolerating? We don’t “tolerate” people who share our views. They’re on our side. There’s nothing to put up with. Tolerance is reserved for those we think are wrong. How can we tolerate something unless we first disagree with that thing? That thing can be either a particular conduct or maybe it’s a point of view one holds. How can we tolerate an idea unless we first think that idea is wrong? One must first think someone is wrong before that person can exercise tolerance; yet expressing those thoughts brings the accusation of intolerance in our society.
This popular, yet perverted, view of tolerance today, not only leads to a passivity toward harmful behaviors, and suppression of the reality of real disagreements, but it also demands all views, or beliefs (mine included), be accepted as equally valid, or of equal worth or merit, as everyone else’s. But this is simply sheer nonsense!
Let’s say I actually give them the benefit of the doubt and test out what the “neo-tolerant” purveyors actually say the way the world really is. If their view were indeed correct, that is, that all views are right, then that would mean that my view is right. But here’s my view: I believe that not all views are right. (You heard me right. I’m not trying to “pull one over on you” with some fancy trickery or slight of hand. That’s why I’m writing it out. So you can read it, and re-read it, and more importantly, think it out, carefully.) In essence, my view would negate their view. If my view is the way the world really is, then that would make their view wrong. Conversely, if their view is right, in other words, the world operates in such a way that all views are right, then it would be impossible for someone to hold the view that I hold to – namely, that some views are wrong. But I do hold this view! Therefore, the sheer existence of my belief causes their “reality machine” to self-destruct.
Koukl further points out that this empty philosophy – which happens to be a modern convention of our post-modern, relativistic culture – advocates no morality, yet demands that no one ought to judge anyone else. They fail to realize that the word “ought” they use implicitly conotates a moral claim. So the next time someone tells you “you shouldn’t judge,” ask him or her if they consider themselves tolerant. And if they say yes, then ask them why they are pushing their beliefs on you. Don’t be surprised if they give you a blank stare. After the shock wears off, be sure to invite them to put on their thinking caps. To argue that some views are false, immoral, or just plain silly does not violate any meaningful standard of true tolerance. To argue to the contrary simply lacks good, old-fashioned common sense.
To learn more clear-thinking from a Christian worldview – from which I derived most of this thinking myself – go to Stand To Reason’s website at:
copyright © 2006 Ed Nicholson, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The Days of Whine and Madness
I laughed for five minutes or more when I came across the following story:
A study published in the Journal of Research into Personality by a University of California Berkeley professor found that, after tracking 95 kids for over two decades, those who were "whiny, insecure" kids in nursery school turned out later to be conservatives as adults. They were, to quote the author -- "rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity."
Those kids whom the author, Jack Block, described as "confident" turned out liberal and "were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults withwide interests."
Hmm. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha . . .
To be perfectly serious, I think I would have to know a whole lot more about how the study was conducted before I could pass serious judgment on its scientific validity -- and would need answers to questions such as: "Were these 95 kids the children of UC Berkeley professors, perchance, and, if so, wouldn't that kind of skew the sample?" or "Did they seriously control for all variables?" – but frankly, I don't think I'll even attempt to analyze this study scientifically. I'll let others make that determination.
I'm just going to laugh out loud.
I do think I understand what's going on here. I recognize the tactic. It feels to me very much that Professor Block is psychologizing -- or scientizing -- his personal bias. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany used to do politicized science. They developed it into an art form.
There's always a message behind politicized science: It almost always involves debunking something you oppose, or labeling someone in order to dismiss or marginalize them.
If this is a politicized study, here's what the "message" seems to me to be: Conservatism is the outworking of a fearful, angst-ridden personality. Psychologically healthy people don't turn out to be conservatives.
But hey, why stop there? Why not take it further? "Conservatism is a form of neurosis."
Or, how about: "Conservatism is a form of mental disorder"?
Or, why not: "Conservatives are insane"?
Aha! I've heard this before.
It was a couple of decades ago in college. From time to time, at my alma mater, I would hear certain liberal students and professors utter things such as: "Those conservatives are deluded" or "You have to be crazy to hold to a conservative line."
But those liberals meant "deluded" and "crazy" metaphorically -- symbolically, if you will. They weren't saying that conservatives were actually, medically insane -- just that they thought conservative beliefs were, well, wacky.
This study seems to me to be a couple of steps on the continuum of thought back from "Conservatism is a neurosis," but it's still more hardcore than "Conservatives are crazy/wacky."
The problem here in the 21st century seems to be that we take our metaphors, our word pictures, a little too seriously.
The Russians used to do that. In fact, no one has done it better. Or to worse effect, to be more exact. In the early '80s, in a book called, "A Question of Madness," former Soviet historian Roy Medvedev and his brother Zhores painted a chilling picture of what they called "repression by psychiatry."
Both Medvedevs -- twins, actually -- were outstanding academics who were exiled and ostracized because they had become Soviet dissidents who opposed the Russian Communist regime.
Roy Medvedev was placed for a time in a psychiatric institution, not because he was insane, but because of his political beliefs; because he was a "person who opposed the system."
It takes a few steps to go from the idea that "Whiny kids turn out to be conservatives" to "No sane person can think conservatively" to "those who question the orthodox view (be it Communist in 1960s Russia, or liberal in 2006 in the United States) suffer from a mental disorder."
But if we try to start proving such things "scientifically," we can travel down that road way too quickly -- especially if there isn't something called common sense around to put the brakes on such "insanity."
That has me concerned a little.
Then again, I might just be whining too much.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Brokeback v. Narnia: DVDs Hit Stores Today

As reported to me by, two movies that could not be any different hit DVD store shelves today: Brokeback Mountain and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The figures clearly demonstrate which of these two movies stands out as the people’s choice for the best use of their entertainment dollars. Brokeback is estimated to have pulled in about $83 million nationwide. On the other hand, Narnia, earned over $290 million, more than three times the amount of the "gay cowboy movie." Worldwide saw an even greater difference: Brokeback made about $165 million whereas Narnia earned roughly four times that much at over $718 million. 83 v. 290; 165 v. 718. I say no contest. But even though people of all different cultures and countries and perspectives have responded more favorably to Narnia than Brokeback, here’s the question for ya: which film will receive more media exposure in the coming weeks? Keep your eyes pealed as you get exposed to the media hype around you and then report back here in the comments what you see.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sex, Lies, and the Truth
* these online clips are available for free for a limited time only.
download RealPlayer here
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Was Afghanistan Truly Liberated? This Will Be The Test
Watch video.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Are stay-at-home moms a drain on society?
download RealPlayer here
* this online clip is available for free for a limited time only.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
School Cancels 'Diversity' Event To Avoid Including Ex-Gays
Viroqua High School in Viroqua, Wis., planned to allow guests representing several religious and ethnic backgrounds -- like Hmong, Jewish, Muslim, American-Indian, African-American, Latino and Buddhist. A homosexual couple and a transgendered person were also included -- as was someone who is physically handicapped.
When Don Greven, the grandfather of a senior at the school, inquired as to why no Christians or ex-gays were invited to present, officials said the intent of the daywas to introduce students to minorities and people withalternative lifestyles.
Gregg Attleson, a teacher on the Diversity Day committee, said students need to be prepared to meet people of different backgrounds when they leave high school andenter the real world.
"We feel it would be real helpful for them in a nice, safe place like high school," he said, "to have contact and be able to dispel some of the stereotypes."
Greven said his understanding of diversity is "that various views are presented -- and that was lacking."
He contacted Liberty Counsel, which sent a letter to school-district administrators explaining that, by not allowing Christians and former homosexuals to be involved, they were violating students' rights.
But when the homosexual couple discovered that an ex-gay speaker might be included, the couple decided not to participate.
Ellen Byers, a member of the planning committee, said inviting Christians and ex-gays would alienate people.
"Non-positive groups were not what we were going for," she said.
Mathew Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel, said the nation's youth deserve to know the truth about homosexuality -- people can choose to overcome same-sex attractions.
"One of the Diversity Day organizers labeled the former homosexual's viewpoint as 'non-positive.' This is yet another attempt to indoctrinate our youth with the harmfulmessage that homosexuals cannot change," he said. "While touting the message of tolerance, homosexual activists refuse to be tolerant of opposing viewpoints."
Young people, Staver added, need to know that acting on same-sex attractions results in "devastating physical, mental and spiritual consequences."
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Study Finds Child Molesting 150 Times Greater in High Schools than Catholic Church
“Professor Carol Shakeshift of Long Island's liberal-leaning Hofstra University compared the 10,667 young people who were reported abused by Catholic priests over a fifty-year period (1950-2002) with an estimated 290,000 students who claimed physical sexual abuse by public school employees during a much shorter time period (1991-2000). If confirmed, this would mean abuse in public schools is more than 150 times as prevalent as that alleged against priests. …we will wait to see if the media places as much attention on what appears to be a far greater problem. For every one child abused in the Catholic Church, 150 have been abused by school employees. This is exactly why parents must be involved in their child's education and interact with their school.”
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The Amazing Story Behind One Episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

download RealPlayer here
* this online clip is available for free for a limited time only.
Friday, March 17, 2006
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Clearly At Fault
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* this online clip is available for free for a limited time only.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Pot (the Left) Calling the Kettle (the Right) Black
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
"As a parent, I need to be notified," she said. "I get so angry that it's against the law for a nurse to give [my kid] anything to relieve their headache or a muscle spasm. And yet, they can go get an abortion, have major surgery, kill a child -- without my permission."
-- mother of a teenager
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Survey Finds Americans Know Bart Better than Bill of Rights

-- McCormick Tribune Freedom
Thursday, March 02, 2006
HIV Travel Restrictions Lifted for Gay Games

Pro-family advocates are asking President Bush to reinstate a federal ban that prohibits HIV-infected travelers from coming to United States. A lobbying campaign succeeded in getting the ban lifted in time for Chicago's 2006 Gay Games.
Homosexuals from around the world will travel to Chicago for the event slated for July 15-22. The official Web site claims 8,000 people have registered.
Gay advocates, with the help of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, convinced the federal government to waive restrictions on international travel for those with HIV so they could attend the games. Pro-family analysts argue that such a move is counter to the goal of stopping the spread of the disease.
Peter LaBarbera, executive director of the Illinois Family Institute, is calling on the president and Congress to reinstate the ban. He said the people of Chicago should not be subjected to activities that facilitate immoral and reckless behavior.
"Mayor Daley has forgotten his role as 'chief protector' of the people of Chicago," he said. "The public-health goal of stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS must take precedence over the political wants of homosexual advocates."
The Gay Games Web site promotes dangerous sexual activity, LaBarbera said. For example, Steamworks, a gay bathhouse that offers anonymous sex for men, is listed as a business sponsor and under "Parties and Events."
"The evidence is clear: the extracurricular activities surrounding the Gay Games present a real health hazard to those involved and the surrounding community," he said. "Inviting thousands of HIV-infected visitors to a Gay Games celebration that officially promotes promiscuity will only put Chicagoans at risk and help spread HIV."
TAKE ACTION: Please call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 to register your concern.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Abortion Debate? What debate? Pro-Abortionists Are Close-Minded Toward Honest Discussions

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
New Book on President Bush

Bill Sammon: Strategery: How George W. Bush Is Defeating Terrorists, Outwitting Democrats, and Confounding the Mainstream Media
Bill Sammon, longtime chief White House correspondent for The Washington Times discusses his new book.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
New DVD Confronts Dominating Theories of Scientific Establishment

The Privileged Planet DVD offers significant challenges towards dominating scientific theories in the areas of astronomy and cosmology. Listen to an intriguing discussion about this exciting new product. Part 1 /Part 2
Click here to see the trailer.
download RealPlayer here
* these clips are available for free for a limited time only.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
FCC Affirms Broadcast Indecency Fines
The Federal Communications Communication (FCC) will apparently stick by its decision to fine CBS $550,000 for singer Janet Jackson's infamous "wardrobe malfunction" during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.
"We're very pleased with this development," said Daniel Weiss, senior analyst for media and sexuality at Focus on the Family Action. "The FCC didn't issue a single citation in all of 2005, so we've been kind of wondering what's up. Now it looks like they intended to move all along – and are moving."
The nation's broadcasting watchdog also reportedly plans to announce actions soon against Fox, NBC and CBS TV stations and affiliates for violating decency standards.
"It appears that they're going to be issuing a whole new round of citations," he added. "They're going to be fining a number of stations, although the news reports say that not all of the citations will include fines."
Weiss said FCC Chairman Kevin Martin may be trying to establish an indecency standard for the networks.
"The FCC has been very sporadic and, frankly, inconsistent in its enforcement, so broadcasters have claimed they don't know where the indecency line is," he said. "Martin could be establishing that line for them, with the intention of adding fines if there are further violations."
According to published reports, one of the decisions involves Nicole Richie's use of two expletives during an appearance on the 2003 Billboard Music Awards, carried by Fox.
Weiss, by the way, said the fine against CBS was the maximum that can be imposed on a broadcaster for violation of indecency standards. The network, however, made that money back in just seven seconds during the 2005 Super Bowl. Each 30-second ad brought the network $2.4 million last year.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
500 Scientists Question Evolutionary Theory
More than 500 scientists signed a statement proclaiming doubt about the soundness of Darwin's theory of evolution.
"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life," the statement reads. "Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."
The list of those who have signed the "Scientific Dissent From Darwinism" was first published in 2001 as a counter to PBS's "Evolution" series which claimed "virtually every scientist in the world believes the theory to be true." At that time 100 scientists placed an ad in the New York Review of Books announcing their dissent.
The list has since grown by five times that number, fueled in part by several curriculum controversies in the last year.
Dr. David Berlinksi, a mathematician and philosopher of science with Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture (CSC), was one of the original signers.
"Darwin's theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought," he said. "It is large, almost completely useless, and the object of superstitious awe."
Dr. John West, associate director of CSC, said it was the growing number of scientists who saw the flaws in evolutionary theory that prompted the organization to give the statement a permanent home on the Internet.
"Darwinists continue to claim that no serious scientists doubt the theory and yet here are 500 scientists who are willing to make public their skepticism about the theory," he said. "Darwinist efforts to use the courts, the media and academic tenure committees to suppress dissent and stifle discussion are in fact fueling even more dissent and inspiring more scientists to ask to be added to the list."
FOR MORE INFORMATION: To see the complete list of scientists who have signed the "Scientific Dissent From Darwinism," please visit the Discovery Institute Web site:
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Abortion Banned in South Dakota
South Dakota, today, became the first state in more than a decade to ban abortion. The Senate voted to pass the measure 47-22. The measure easily passed the state House two weeks ago.
The bill's only exception is if the mother's life is in danger.
Leslee Unruh, founder of the Alpha Center, a pregnancy-resource agency, said after a task force found abortion was detrimental to women, the Legislature did theright thing.
"Passage of this legislation culminates years of legislative efforts and fact-finding," she said. "The overwhelming mass of research could be ignored no longer. Abortion hurts women. South Dakota's Legislature heard the cry of those who have been harmed by abortion and passed this bill to protect women and children."
The bill will now head to the desk of Republican Gov. Mike Rounds to be signed into law.
"Now is the appropriate time for this legislation," Unruh said. "Governor Rounds, please sign this bill."
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Missouri Grants Lesbian Couple the Right to Be Foster Parents
A judge in Missouri ruled Friday that homosexuals can be foster parents, The Kansas City Star reported.
The state originally denied a license to Lisa Johnston because she had a same-sex relationship, which is illegal under Missouri law. Johnston wanted to raise a child with partner Dawn Roginski.
Citing the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas, which ruled existing state sodomy laws unenforceable, Jackson County Judge Sandra Midkiff said the state had no basis to deny Johnston the license.
"This is a victory for all the children in the Missouri foster-care system," Johnston said. "I'm overwhelmed with joy."
Deborah Scott, spokeswoman for the Department of Social Services, said the state plans to ask the court to stay its decision while the appeals process plays out.
She said the department was "disappointed by the decision and its implications for the state of Missouri."
Bill Maier, vice president and psychologist in residence at Focus on the Family, said a child is better served in a home with married, heterosexual parents. By approving same-sex parenting, he said, "you are deliberately depriving a child of either a mom or a dad."
Pregnancy-Related Deaths Lower in Countries That Restrict Abortion
A United Nations Population Division study revealed that the legalization of abortion does not lower the number of deaths associated with pregnancy -- contrary to the longstanding claims of abortion advocates.
According to "The World Mortality Report: 2005," which was published at the start of this year, in countries where abortion is legal, there is a higher rate of maternal mortality than in countries that place restrictions on the procedure.
In Russia, where abortion is legal, the maternal mortality rate is 67 deaths for every 100,000 births. In the U.S., where there are almost no restrictions on abortion, the rate is 17 deaths for every 100,000 births.
Both Ireland and Poland, often criticized for strong restrictions on abortion, have better maternal mortality rates than Russia and the U.S. Ireland has the lowest rate of the four countries with only 5 deaths for every 100,000 births. In Poland, the rate is 13 deaths for every 100,000 births.
Monday, February 20, 2006
* many of these clips are available for free for a limited time only.
Hillary Clinton’s Ethics Violations Under-Reported by Mainstream Media
watch here
UCLA Study Finds Bias in Main Stream Media Reporting
watch here
Guarding Against Judicial Activism: A Case In Point watch here
Exposing the Real ACLU
watch here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
Documentary: “In the Face of Evil”
Ronald Reagan's fight against communism. watch trailer
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Brokeback to the Future

I share this video, not to poke fun at those who struggle with homosexuality, but to illustrate the evil of those who try to convince society this behavior is OK. The reasons why it's wrong for an adult to have a sexual relationship with a five year old are some of the same reasons it's wrong for people of the same sex to engage in sexual relations. More to the point, however, to say that society should – or must -- embrace such destructive behavior is simply ludicrous!
While I haven't seen the movie, I hear Brokeback Mountain does a good job in their efforts at normalizing homosexuality by manipulating viewers' emotions into thinking homosexuality should be accepted as all right. This effective propagandizing reminds me of another film called The Eternal Jew. The Nazis distributed this film in 1940. An entire cultural mindset of the Germans became twisted after watching this film. You can watch the entire film for free right here .
* You will need Windows Media Player to watch the Eternal Jew. Download Windows Media Player here for free.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
* many of these clips are available for free for a limited time only.
President Bush's State of the Union Address to the Nation (1/31/06) watch here
What’s really going on in Iraq?
-- from the pen of a marine who was there. watch here
Angry Left Paints Unfair Comparison Between Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. watch here
Injustice? Yes…But injustice in reporting. watch here.
Even Arab Media Outlets See the Bias in American Reports on War watch here
Revealing New Information Concerning the Katrina Calamity watch here
watch clip regarding related viewer comments
Political Correctness Hits a Sports Team Near You watch here
Liberal bias of the Main Stream Media (MSM) exposed once again watch here
T.V. Commentator Links Decrease in Crime to Tougher Sentences watch here
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
FCC Says A La Carte Cable Pricing Means “Substantial” Savings To Consumers
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today announced that cable customers would see “substantial benefits” if a la Carte programming, or pay-per-channel packaging, is allowed to be instituted.
The polls are clear: people want choice. However, the cable industry has tried to confuse the public into thinking their current “cable choice” programs already provide what consumers want. However, cable subscribers are not buying it. They know the technology is there for them to pay per channel. A lot of families want their FOX NEWS, their Discovery Channels, their ESPN, their favorite hobby channel; but they don’t want to pay for channels, like M-TV, that bring down their family. However, the detrimental channels are being forced into many of the so-called “family-friendly” choice packages.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see all your money go to only those channels you want to watch? Instead of paying $50 a month while wasting your time flipping through hundreds of channels you really don’t want to watch anyway, imagine being able to pay say $1.99 per month for every channels you do want to watch – as well those you know are safe for your whole family. That’s what a la carte programming will provide if it is enacted into law.
TAKE ACTION: By just a few simple clicks here, you can write a short letter to all your elected representatives in Washington. Tell them you want “a la carte” programming instituted into actual policy. Tell them it’s shown to work, and it helps your pocketbook at the same time.
To read the FCC press release, click here. (You will need Adobe® Reader® to download this PDF document. To download Adobe® Reader® free of charge, click here.)
For more information on a la carte programming, go to this article.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
One's Own Stem Cells May Treat Lupus

Adult stem-cell research is a promising frontier in the treatment of many diseases. Learn also the difference between adult stem cells and their controversial counterpart by clicking here.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Porn Leads to Reckless Driving Charge
A Tennessee man who was apparently looking at pornography as he drove was charged with reckless endangerment Friday-- police said his erratic driving had caused others to fear an accident, Breitbart reported.
A woman called police after David Kennedy of Nashville almost ran her off the road. Rutherford County Deputy Tony Hall found the driver and pulled him over.
"When I made contact with the driver of the suspect vehicle," Hall said, "there were several pornographic magazines on the seat next to him."
Daniel Weiss, senior analyst for media and sexuality at Focus on the Family Action, said, with the addictive nature of pornography, it is not surprising that someone would endanger the lives of others while attempting to feed that addiction.
"Incidents like this dispel the myth of 'harmless adult entertainment.' Pornography is an insidious evil threatening the fabric of society," he said. "The sooner we start calling it and treating it for what it is -- a public health hazard -- the safer we'll all be."
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Surprise! Surprise! Humpback Mountain Is Hollywood’s Choice
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
1 in 4 American Pregnancies Ends in Abortion

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Come on Larry!! Get the story right!!

“Helping fuel the gay hate crime theory were statements made to police and the media by Kristen Price, McKinney's girlfriend… But today, Price tells [20/20] the initial statements she made were not true and tells [20/20] that McKinney's motive was money and drugs. ‘I don't think it was a hate crime at all. I never did.’ she said.”Like usual, the liberal media puts the pro-gay, pro-evolution, pro-abortion headlines on the front page, and then when the truth eventually comes out, they bury the correction on the “back pages.” But in this case, King goes a step further and simply peddles the same old lie again.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hummm…isn’t that interesting.
At least I admit I'm biased.
Monday, January 23, 2006
The Numbers Are In
A conversation with Steve Saint and the man who killed his father. Listen here.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Maryland Judge Declares Marriage Protection Law Unconstitutional

Circuit Court Judge M. Brooke Murdock ruled today that Maryland's law defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman does not withstand constitutional scrutiny, The Baltimore Sun reported.
Murdock ruled in favor of nine same-sex couples that filed a lawsuit challenging a state law that made same-sex marriage illegal.
"After much study and serious reflection, this court holds that Maryland's statutory prohibition against same-sex marriage cannot withstand constitutional challenge," she wrote. "Although tradition and societal values are important, they cannot be given so much weight that they alone justify a discriminatory statutory classification."
Murdock chose to keep the ruling from taking effect, pending any appeal.
Mat Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel, said the ruling is further proof of the need for a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
"It is outrageous for a judge to morph into a legislator," he said. "Marriage should not depend on the stroke of a single judge's pen."
In her decision, Murdock also declared invalid the assumption that a union that includes both a mother and a father makes for a better environment to raise children.
"These assumptions are not rational speculation," she said. "They are broad unsupported generalizations that do not establish a rational relationship between same-sex marriage and the state's interest in promoting procreation, child-rearing and the best interest of children."
Staver reacted with disbelief to such logic.
"It is even more incredible to conclude that there is no conceivable basis to promote marriage between a man and a woman," he said. "To conclude that there is no relationship between male-female marriage and child-rearing, or the best interest of children, shows a lack of respect to the Legislature, to common sense and to social science."
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Supreme Court Ruling Permits Doctors to Kill Their Patients

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that the attorney general does not have the power to keep doctors in Oregon from using federally controlled substances to kill their patients. Read more.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A new movie called End of the Spear is opening in select theatres January 20th. This drama is based on the real-life story of five Christian missionaries who were speared to death by jungle savages. The debut of this film marks the 50-year anniversary of the missionaries' martyrdom.
What makes this story truly remarkable was what happened after their deaths. Years later, many of the family members of those martyred came to live with the very ones who took their loved ones’ lives. This dramatic act of love transformed an entire society in the Amazon rainforest.
One of the producers of the film, Steve Saint, is a son of one of those men who were martyred that day 50 years ago. Eventually, he came to know and love the very man who killed his dad.
In 2000, Saint's 20-year-old daughter died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. And it turned out to be Mincaye, the man who speared Steve's father, who offered him the greatest comfort.
“I realized that this man who speared my father, hacked his body and threw him into the river—it was this man who wrapped his arms around me and helped me hold on to my faith...People say, 'Your dad didn't have to die.' I'm thinking, 'No he didn't...but then I wouldn't know Mincaye, and I wouldn't have this relationship.'
God has allowed me to realize some of the dreams my dad had—to know the people he died for. ...The man who killed my father is now called 'grandfather' by all my children. One of my sons is named for him."
Comments from others:
“The love these two men have for one another is truly an amazing demonstration of God’s love. It’s hard to believe. As Steve stood nearby, I actually hugged the man who killed his dad!” – E.N.
To watch the trailer to the movie, visit
Friday, January 06, 2006
Thursday, January 05, 2006
ACLU Lawsuit Muzzles Pastors From Practicing Their Faith
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Same Ten Commandments -- Different Outcome (12/20/05)
SUMMARY: An appeals court rules an Ohio display is constitutional.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a courthouse display today which is essentially identical to the one struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in last summer's McCreary County case. The difference turned on religious motivation -- or in this case, the lack thereof.
The decision was notable for its rejection of the ACLU's argument that the ACLU was offended:
"And the ACLU, an organization whose mission is 'to ensure that . . . the government (is kept) out of the religion business,' does not embody the reasonable person," the opinion read.
Then the court went on to kick a hole in the old "separation of church and state" mantra:
"The ACLU's argument contains three fundamental flaws. First, the ACLU makes repeated reference to 'the separation of church and state.' This extra-constitutional construct has grown tiresome. The First Amendment does not demand a wall of separation between church and state."
And, reasonably enough, the court said that a public display of the Ten Commandments does not equal a government endorsement of religion:
"We will not presume endorsement from the mere display of the Ten Commandments. If the reasonable observer perceived all government references to the Deity as endorsements, then many of our Nation's cherished traditions would be unconstitutional, including the Declaration of Independence and the national motto.”
"The Mercer County display has a secular purpose. Unlike McCreary County, there is nothing in the legislative history or implementation that tends to prove a religious purpose. Nor does the display have the effect of endorsing religion. The display is therefore constitutional as a matter of law."
Now, if someone could just explain to me how identical displays in separate counties should constitutionally receive different treatment because of the subjective intent of the people that authorized them, then -- well, never mind, it's not really explainable.
Monday, December 19, 2005

Bush lied.
Hwang lied.
Bush made up reports about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) so that he could pursue his secret agenda of getting revenge on Saddam Hussein.
Hwang made up reports about advancements in Embryonic Stem-Cell Research (ESCR) so that the cloning industry could pursue their hidden agenda of receiving a future financial windfall from human cloning at American taxpayer expense.
Committing our troops in Iraq is misguided. The war in Iraq is not winnable. Our war against terror is better served in other pursuits. Precious resources should be devoted in other ways in the war on terror.
Investing in ESCR is misguided as well as unethical. ESCR shows no signs of success. Scarce research dollars should go instead to Adult Stem-Cell Research (ASCR), which is not only ethical, but is much more promising in finding medical cures than ESCR.
Young people in our armed forces are dying because Bush lied.
Public money was earmarked for ESCR after Hwang’s fake advancements were publicized. Now, more young human beings in the embryonic stage of development are contracted to die in laboratories in the U.S. because Hwang lied.
More innocent human beings (soldiers) are going to lose their lives the longer we stay in Iraq.
More innocent human beings (human embryos) are going to lose their lives the longer we advance ESCR.
THEY SAY: Embryonic Stem-Cell Research is good science.
I SAY: Embryonic Stem-Cell Research is mad science.
As reported by the Family Research Council:
“The Washington Post calls this widening scandal ‘one of the biggest scientific frauds in memory.’ That story may never be fully told. The journal Science, which had trumpeted Hwang's research, now says it will retract his ‘landmark’ May 2005 paper on embryonic stem cells. Note the word--landmark. This is liberals' word-of-choice for some really big, really good thing, as in ‘the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling.”A week later, FRC reports, “It Get’s Worse”:
“‘[Stem cell research is] years behind where scientists thought it was.’ That's the dire judgment on the latest disclosures from South Korea. Dr. Hwang Woo Suk not only did not develop patient-specific stem cell lines using human cloning, but he never derived stem cells from a cloned embryonic human. An eight-month study by Hwang's peers at Seoul National University concluded that DNA studies on preserved stem cells failed to correspond with published photographs. They
were ‘fakes.’ ‘Hwang basically lied to the Korean people and scientific world,’ said Dr. Chung Myung Hee, the chairman of the review panel. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, Mass., said ACT will re-enter the race to clone a human being. ‘The United States has a second chance to do it right and win,’ he said. Once again, it seems scientists are not drawing the obvious lessons from this episode. Instead of exploiting the actual and potential benefits of adult stem cells, they are determined to pursue this destructive and fundamentally unethical research agenda.”
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Scientist Lied About Embryonic Stem-Cell Research Breakthrough
Hype about advances in embryonic stem-cell research coming from South Korean scientists was based on faked research, the Los Angeles Time reported.
Hwang Woo-suk published his alleged findings in the journal Science, describing his ability to clone embryos using DNA from sick patients to create personalized stem-cell treatments.
Later Hwang told associate Roh Sung-il, an executive at MizMedi Hospital in Seoul, the research was faked because his stem-cell lines had died.
"If it's true, it's going to go down as probably the biggest scandal in science," said Insoo Hyun, a bioethicist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "Even cold fusion didn't get this worldwide attention."
For more details on the scandal, read this article by Wesley J. Smith of the Discovery Institute.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
-- Stuart Shepard, managing editor,
Click here to read the rest of his commentary.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Redefining “Torture” to Suit Liberal Agenda
While the abuses brought about by a few of our "not-so-finest" American soldiers in Abu Ghraib prison is indeed tragic, we should not allow all the methods employed for gaining important information from the enemy to be labeled as "torture." The angry left continues to exploit this tragic situation for political purposes.
The far-left leaning Amnesty International, for example, has continued their attack on the US government -- namely the Bush Administration – by accusing them of “torturing” Iraqi insurgents by subjecting them to "loud music and sleep deprivation for three days." I ask: “Where was Amnesty International when Janet Reno used similar tactics on the compound at Waco? Did they accuse the Clinton Administration of torture then?”
While the extreme left (Hillary, the liberal elites in the Main Stream Media, et. al) continue to purvey their deceit onto the American people, all they are doing is continuing to put our troops in harms way and threatening the progress already made in Iraq.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Minnesota Pastors Latest Target of Gay Activists
A gathering of pastors who met to discuss how to pass a state ban on same-sex marriage was disrupted Thursday by a bomb threat and vocal homosexual protesters, The Associated Press reported.
The gathering of 300 pastors and religious leaders, sponsored by the Minnesota Family Council, met at Grace Church in Minneapolis. The intent was to motivate pastors to then influence their congregations to become involved in the fight to preserve traditional marriage through a state constitutional amendment.
About 75 protesters gathered outside the church -- including openly gay former Minnesota Vikings defensive lineman Esera Tuaolo -- proclaiming that the Bible supports gay marriage.
The meeting was disrupted for about 30 minutes while authorities conducted a sweep of the building after the church received a bomb threat. Activity inside and outside the church resumed by 11 a.m.
Participants in the summit were asked to sign a five-point pledge: to pray for the proposed constitutional amendment, to preach on God's plan for marriage, to collect petitions, to register voters and to distribute information on the amendment effort.
H.B. London, vice president of ministry outreach for Focus on the Family, told the pastors who attended that "this is a mandate we are called upon to take up in the name of Jesus Christ."
The bomb threat is just the latest extreme protest directed at pro-family groups in recent weeks. Last month in Boston, Focus on the Family's Love Won Out conference was besieged by more than 1,000 pro-gay protesters shouting obscenities at the downtown church where the event was held; and on Monday, a homosexual-activist group stormed into the Washington, D.C. offices of the Family Research Council to protest its support of abstinence education.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: To learn more about Minnesota's effort to preserve traditional marriage -- one man and one woman -- visit
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Dirty Dozen
-- Citizenlink (11/10/05)
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Ex-Gay Conference Meets with Massive Protest
Thursday, October 27, 2005
USA Today Removes Doctored Rice Photo
USA Today removed a photo of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from its Web site today after a popular conservative blogger noted it had been altered to make Rice's eyes look almost demonic.
Michelle Malkin, author of the new book "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild," published the picture that accompanied an Oct. 19 story about the war in Iraq on her Web site today. She published below it the original Associated Press photo of Rice -- and the differences were shocking.
In the USA Today shot, the whites of Rice's eyes were lightened by computer to the point of making her look possessed; in the original photo, she looks stern but altogether normal.
Malkin included in her coverage a link to other examples of media bias designed to make Rice look bad.
This afternoon, no doubt deluged with e-mails from Malkin's readers, USA Today swapped its photo with the AP version.
"The photo of Condoleezza Rice that originally accompanied this story was altered in a manner that did not meet USA Today's editorial standards," the newspaper admitted in an editor's note. "The photo has been replaced by a properly adjusted copy.
"Photos published online are routinely cropped for size and adjusted for brightness and sharpness to optimize their appearance. In this case, after sharpening the photo for clarity, the editor brightened a portion of Rice's face, giving her eyes an unnatural appearance. This resulted in a distortion of the original not in keeping with our editorial standards."
To see the two photos in question, visit Michelle Malkin's Web site here.
Watch video exposing this and other abuses by the Main Stream Media (MSM).