Tuesday, January 31, 2006

GOOGLE USERS BEWARE: world’s largest search engine is noting your every click

Monday, January 30, 2006

'Brokeback Mountain': Rape of the Marlboro Man

Friday, January 27, 2006

1 in 4 American Pregnancies Ends in Abortion

Why are more people looking to adopt in China and other far eastern countries? One reason could be simple supply and demand. While it is true there are more unwanted children overseas, one reason for this is because of the overwhelming number of pregnant mothers here in America who make the premeditated choice to end their babies lives through abortion. They are simply not alive to adopt! As reported in Citizenlink.org, the National Center for Health Statistics recently released a study, which shows that 24 of every 100 pregnancies in this country end in abortion. That number reflects half of all unwanted pregnancies in the U.S. The numbers are even higher upon the black population, which makes the social experiment of abortion an ethics issue in discrimination. Read more about these finding in this Washington Times article.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Poll: Only 16 percent definitely back Hillary

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Come on Larry!! Get the story right!!

Is Larry King just ignorant or is he intentionally being dishonest to his viewers? In a debate on his show last week over gay marriage, he continued to promulgate the mischaracterization of the Matthew Shepard murder as motivated by anti-gay hatred. Throughout the his show, King made the explicit assertion: “Matthew Shepard was murdered for being gay.” The truth, however, as pointed out by ABC News’ 20/20 back in November of 2004 contradicts King’s words. The truth is, the actions towards the victim were not motivated because he was gay but because the perpetrators wanted money and drugs:

“Helping fuel the gay hate crime theory were statements made to police and the media by Kristen Price, McKinney's girlfriend… But today, Price tells [20/20] the initial statements she made were not true and tells [20/20] that McKinney's motive was money and drugs. ‘I don't think it was a hate crime at all. I never did.’ she said.”
Like usual, the liberal media puts the pro-gay, pro-evolution, pro-abortion headlines on the front page, and then when the truth eventually comes out, they bury the correction on the “back pages.” But in this case, King goes a step further and simply peddles the same old lie again.

Pro-Family Canadians Call Election 'A Great Day'

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hummm…isn’t that interesting.

I went out to one popular movie promotions website and found something curiously interesting. I clicked on the link to End of the Spear, which opened this past weekend. I then clicked on its corresponding “Buy Poster” link and it took me to a default list of movies where nowhere on the page was an option to buy the poster to this movie. However, when I clicked on the “Buy Poster” link for Brokeback Mountain, a movie in which Hollywood is trying to shove their pro-homosexual beliefs down the throats of Middle Americans, it takes me to 3 options for buying a poster to this movie. Well, maybe this is the case because Brokeback has been out a while whereas End of the Spear just opened and they may not have the links updated. So I tried it out for another Christian movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which opened around the same time as Brokeback. Lo and behold, it takes me to the same default page as End of the Spear. Hummm…isn’t that interesting. Could it actually be that the movie industry has a bias?

At least I admit I'm biased.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Numbers Are In

Today is Monday morning, and this past weekend’s movie box office numbers are in. With no promotion or fanfare out of Hollywood, the movie End of the Spear brought in a cool $4.7 million for it’s opening weekend. By the shear quality of the movie along with online promotions and word-of-mouth from those mainly in the church, End of the Spear is projecting to be a profitable production.

A conversation with Steve Saint and the man who killed his father. Listen here.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Maryland Judge Declares Marriage Protection Law Unconstitutional

-- Citizenlink.org (1/20/06)

Circuit Court Judge M. Brooke Murdock ruled today that Maryland's law defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman does not withstand constitutional scrutiny, The Baltimore Sun reported.

Murdock ruled in favor of nine same-sex couples that filed a lawsuit challenging a state law that made same-sex marriage illegal.

"After much study and serious reflection, this court holds that Maryland's statutory prohibition against same-sex marriage cannot withstand constitutional challenge," she wrote. "Although tradition and societal values are important, they cannot be given so much weight that they alone justify a discriminatory statutory classification."

Murdock chose to keep the ruling from taking effect, pending any appeal.

Mat Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel, said the ruling is further proof of the need for a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

"It is outrageous for a judge to morph into a legislator," he said. "Marriage should not depend on the stroke of a single judge's pen."

In her decision, Murdock also declared invalid the assumption that a union that includes both a mother and a father makes for a better environment to raise children.

"These assumptions are not rational speculation," she said. "They are broad unsupported generalizations that do not establish a rational relationship between same-sex marriage and the state's interest in promoting procreation, child-rearing and the best interest of children."

Staver reacted with disbelief to such logic.

"It is even more incredible to conclude that there is no conceivable basis to promote marriage between a man and a woman," he said. "To conclude that there is no relationship between male-female marriage and child-rearing, or the best interest of children, shows a lack of respect to the Legislature, to common sense and to social science."

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Supreme Court Ruling Permits Doctors to Kill Their Patients

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that the attorney general does not have the power to keep doctors in Oregon from using federally controlled substances to kill their patients. Read more.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Supreme Court’s Kelo Decision is Sprouting Feet and Threatening Churches

-- National Review Online

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


A new movie called End of the Spear is opening in select theatres January 20th. This drama is based on the real-life story of five Christian missionaries who were speared to death by jungle savages. The debut of this film marks the 50-year anniversary of the missionaries' martyrdom.

What makes this story truly remarkable was what happened after their deaths. Years later, many of the family members of those martyred came to live with the very ones who took their loved ones’ lives. This dramatic act of love transformed an entire society in the Amazon rainforest.

One of the producers of the film, Steve Saint, is a son of one of those men who were martyred that day 50 years ago. Eventually, he came to know and love the very man who killed his dad.

In 2000, Saint's 20-year-old daughter died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. And it turned out to be Mincaye, the man who speared Steve's father, who offered him the greatest comfort.

“I realized that this man who speared my father, hacked his body and threw him into the river—it was this man who wrapped his arms around me and helped me hold on to my faith...People say, 'Your dad didn't have to die.' I'm thinking, 'No he didn't...but then I wouldn't know Mincaye, and I wouldn't have this relationship.'

God has allowed me to realize some of the dreams my dad had—to know the people he died for. ...The man who killed my father is now called 'grandfather' by all my children. One of my sons is named for him."

Comments from others:

“The love these two men have for one another is truly an amazing demonstration of God’s love. It’s hard to believe. As Steve stood nearby, I actually hugged the man who killed his dad!” – E.N.

To watch the trailer to the movie, visit www.endofthespear.com.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Is Cable Industry Faking Family-Friendliness?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

ACLU Lawsuit Muzzles Pastors From Practicing Their Faith

For over 180 years it has been a Hoosier tradition in the Indiana House of Representatives to have clergy from all different faiths offer an opening prayer that is in line with that clergy’s respective faith. Thanks however to the heroic feats of the ACLU and U.S. District Court Judge David Hamilton, while flying under the banner of religious tolerance of all names, one now has to be a certain kind of minister if they are going to deliver an invocation there. If the clergy happens to be Christian who wants to offer a Christian prayer – namely, invoking the name of Jesus Christ during the prayer – they will be banned from giving the official invocation. This ruling adds to a disturbing national trend towards increased secularism and intolerance towards free, religious expression. “Thanks to Judge Hamilton,” writes the Family Research Council, “the Indiana House of Representatives now joins Saudi Arabia as one more place where Jesus’ name cannot be honored in an official ceremony.” With broad opposition to this ruling on both sides of the isle, leadership in the Indiana House is working towards an appeal of this unprecedented court decision.

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