Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo Dies

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Judge Orders Death Sentence of Innocent Woman

In Florida courts, starving an animal is a criminal offense, but starving a disabled woman is not. Thanks to Florida 6th Judicial Circuit Judge George W. Greer, a court-ordered starvation of Terri Schiavo will commence at 1 p.m. this Friday. [Read more.]

ACTION ALERT: Your representatives in Washington can do something about this. That means you can do something about it. In just a couple minutes, you can urge your elected officials to swiftly act on passing the Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act before Friday. To get their contact information, click here.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Exclusive Interview: Famous Atheist Becomes Theist

(that is to say, before he dies)
Prof. Antony Flew, 81 years old, is a legendary British philosopher and atheist and has been an icon and champion for unbelievers for decades. His change of mind is significant news; not only about his personal journey, but also about the persuasive power of the arguments modern theists have been using to challenge atheistic naturalism. [Read more.] [Download PDF.]

Thursday, March 10, 2005

COMMENTARY: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

I’m doing some experimentation on my Palm software to try and figure out how things work. After cycles of trial and error, I discover particular ways the software works. Once I discover something, it always works that way as long as I don’t change any inter-related variables. As soon as I change one of those variables, it causes it to respond differently. There is wonderful order in the way the computer works. If my documentation is lacking on showing me how something works, I must try and figure it out through experimentation. I know someone out there engineered this software and this computer. And they did it for a purpose – in this case, create tools to help people stay organized.

It was while I was working on this that a profound notion entered my mind. Just as I investigated the inner workings of my computer, scientists investigate the inner workings of creation. I think of the recent endeavors in microbiology, which has received a lot of press recently: adult stem-cell research; embryonic stem-cell research; and cloning. These are all efforts by scientists to try and figure out the inner complexities of living things at the cellular level and how these living things function. Just like I know my computer didn’t just randomly assemble, we can apply this same common sense understanding to creation. In all the order and complexity of creation, it cries out that there is a creator. And that creator is smart enough to order the pieces together. If someone made the computer, wouldn’t it make sense that the universe was also made by someone? It would take more faith to believe that everything – in all of its complexity and order – just came about from nothing. Which takes more faith, to believe that everything came about by someone, or to believe that everything came about by nothing? I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.


I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD: Atheist Debate: BC/AD by Ray Comfort

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A Kinder, Gentler “Passion” This Easter

As the Easter holiday draws near, Director Mel Gibson has recently released a new, less intense version of the "The Passion of the Christ". While a new version has been edited for those who would be willing to see a less graphic film, make no mistake it’s not all about eggs and bunnies. Yet, on the other hand, as world renowned speaker Ravi Zacharias reminds us, we must also not buy into the hypocritical criticism reverberating out of Hollywood. Zacharias asks:

"Did you hear the Hollywood elite speak with passion against The Passion of the Christ? The actor Jon Voigt scathingly attacked Mel Gibson for focusing so much on the gruesome. What? Did I hear him correctly? I had to see humor in that attack, for two miracles had taken place. A relativist had finally admitted that violence on the screen can be overdone, and second, that the screen can change behavior in the viewer. Please take note. Voigt—who starred in Deliverance, which I am told is a graphic, disturbing film—and others like him resented a film for being ideologically driven but crowned Michael Moore’s film with the highest praise. They were disturbed, they said, because the film was too violent. Are these not the same purveyors of violence who are outraged by censors?"

The Passion Recut opens in theaters March 11th.

Girl Who Encouraged Boyfriend to Kill Their Preborn Twins Cannot be Charged.

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