Thursday, March 10, 2005

COMMENTARY: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

I’m doing some experimentation on my Palm software to try and figure out how things work. After cycles of trial and error, I discover particular ways the software works. Once I discover something, it always works that way as long as I don’t change any inter-related variables. As soon as I change one of those variables, it causes it to respond differently. There is wonderful order in the way the computer works. If my documentation is lacking on showing me how something works, I must try and figure it out through experimentation. I know someone out there engineered this software and this computer. And they did it for a purpose – in this case, create tools to help people stay organized.

It was while I was working on this that a profound notion entered my mind. Just as I investigated the inner workings of my computer, scientists investigate the inner workings of creation. I think of the recent endeavors in microbiology, which has received a lot of press recently: adult stem-cell research; embryonic stem-cell research; and cloning. These are all efforts by scientists to try and figure out the inner complexities of living things at the cellular level and how these living things function. Just like I know my computer didn’t just randomly assemble, we can apply this same common sense understanding to creation. In all the order and complexity of creation, it cries out that there is a creator. And that creator is smart enough to order the pieces together. If someone made the computer, wouldn’t it make sense that the universe was also made by someone? It would take more faith to believe that everything – in all of its complexity and order – just came about from nothing. Which takes more faith, to believe that everything came about by someone, or to believe that everything came about by nothing? I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.


I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD: Atheist Debate: BC/AD by Ray Comfort


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